Customer shall audit and balance the data contained in the periodic statements and reports provided by CDS and shall promptly, but in no event more than 30 days after the date of the disputed item, notify CDS in writing (the “Notice Date”) of any disputed item or items on such periodic statements and reports. If CDS determines that the disputed item was credited or debited in error by CDS, CDS shall correct the error. Notwithstanding, CDS shall not be liable for any recovery, reimbursement or otherwise of any amounts over 30 days from the Notice Date. CDS will, however, use its commercially reasonable efforts to recover any amounts over such 30-day period. CDS shall not be liable for any damages, interest or costs associated with the error other than correcting the error. The undersigned represents and warrants to CDS that the person executing the Authorization is an authorized signatory on the Account referenced below and all information regarding the Account and the Account Holder is true and correct.
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